SAT and ACT Registration Deadlines and Locations

It’s the height of summer, but test season is just around the corner. The upcoming ACT and SAT tests will be seniors’ last chance to take the tests before the early admissions deadline, so make sure you’re prepared.   The ACT will be September 10, with the registration deadline on August 5. The late registration deadline is August 19,… Continue reading


Academic Expectations: Making the Transition from High School to College.

With the school year drawing to an end, recent high school graduates are scrambling to ready themselves for their collegiate journey. Between registering for classes and decorating dorm rooms, it can be easy for students to overlook preparing for the academic transition from high school to college. What factors constitute an “Academic Transition”? A smooth academic transition requires a specific… Continue reading


Three Easy Ways You Can Help Your Child Be A Critical Thinker

Having worked with diverse students and families on issues in education, I notice many parents have one similar concern. They want their children to think critically and be global thinkers, but aren’t sure what they can do as parents to help. Watch your children grow with these three easy steps towards cultivating critical thinking!   Read Everything with Your… Continue reading


Stronger Learning with Better Nutrition

Many factors influence one’s ability to assimilate new information in the mind. Students and teachers often find themselves suffering from mental fatigue, brain “fogginess” and difficulty with memory. Several factors can influence the way the mind functions. When the mind is optimally nourished with Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D and Vitamin B-12, it is more focused and agile.   Omega-3 Fatty Acids Omega-3 fatty… Continue reading


Building Academic Confidence with One-On-One Tutoring Services from Novastar Prep

Academic subjects like mathematics and science are known to create the highest levels of negative emotions and stress. These complex subjects often rank lowest on the desired list of subjects for most students. However, it is widely accepted that providing a strong foundation for students in math and science subjects are important for both students… Continue reading
