Advice to the Elementary School – ME!

Building confidence is something that starts at a young age. Now that I have had the opportunity to “live a little,” I wanted to write a letter to myself in elementary school.  I was a shy and quiet kid, but I always had supportive parents, extended family and teachers along the way to guide me. … Continue reading


Novastar Tutor Tips: Homework Balance

Homework tends to be over-used in most schools today. If balanced properly then it can build student’s confidence and interest towards learning. Like most things, the value of homework depends on the context: the subject, the age of the child, learning style, family dynamics and the demands of the school day itself.   Too much… Continue reading


5 Tips for Parents to Encourage Studying

Be interesting Kids generally learn more from the examples their parents set than the rules that they propose. So, if you would like your child to study more, study something yourself. Whether it’s keeping reading current, delving into classics, showing your child how accounting works in the home, how algorithms play out in your professional… Continue reading


Homework Goals

When you think about homework, you probably think about time at home that may cause lots of stress because some children will not sit down and do it. They’d rather be anywhere or do anything else! For example, the percentage of students who use their electronics or telephones before they even think of studying is about… Continue reading


Students: Study Smarter, Not Harder

If you’re not getting the academic results you want, you may need to change your study habits. Use effective study habits to better retain the information that you take in. The key is to study smarter, not harder.   Think it, Be it, Believe it! First of all, your attitude matters. If you are overwhelmingly distracted… Continue reading


Pain-Free, Tear-Free Homework Tips!

When kids think of homework, they think of boring assignments and drudgery. But homework doesn’ have to be boring at all! In fact, it can be a very fun experience. Every parent in America seems to have a hard time now and then getting children to do homework: their child is tired after a long day at school… Continue reading
