19 Aug
Strategies for Successful Online Learning
By Gina Bellisario
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This past March, students across the United States were introduced to the concept of online learning. Althoughhigh schools and colleges have offered online courses for a number of years, many students found themselvesimmersed in a brand-new experience, with every one of their subjects being taught in a completely remotefashion.Online learning, as with any experience, comes… Continue reading
19 Aug
Strategies for Managing Executive Function Disorder
By Gina Bellisario
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Does your student procrastinate often? Misplace materials for school? Have multiple late assignments? Thesemay be signs of a condition called executive function disorder (EFD). EFD inhibits oneās executive functioningskills, which include the ability to: (1) organize information; and (2) regulate behavior in order to appropriatelyrespond to that information.Consider the following scenario as an illustration:Student A… Continue reading
09 Sep
How the Unorganized Become Organized
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The first obstacle you face when your student does not have innate organizational skills is thatĀ helping your student become organized willĀ take some time. The second is that finding a method that works may involveĀ aĀ lot of trial and error. DevelopingĀ organizationalĀ skills takes time, effort, and cooperation to become habits. The goal is to develop skills that yourĀ student… Continue reading