Strategies for Managing Executive Function Disorder
By Gina Bellisario

Does your student procrastinate often? Misplace materials for school? Have multiple late assignments? Thesemay be signs of a condition called executive function disorder (EFD). EFD inhibits oneā€™s executive functioningskills, which include the ability to: (1) organize information; and (2) regulate behavior in order to appropriatelyrespond to that information.Consider the following scenario as an illustration:Student A… Continue reading


Characteristics of a Successful Student: Part 2

In this portion, we will focus on staying committed to our plan in order to achieve goals. Now that we have developed a plan, we must identify principles to incorporate into our characteristics. When I was a college sophomore, I read a book that completely changed my outlook on studying and on my life: “The… Continue reading


Study Tips for Visual Learners

Who are the visual learners? Visual learners learn best through seeing. They tend to remember what they read or see more thanĀ what theyā€™ve heard.   Note: While the ideas below are geared towards the strengths of visual learners, effective noteĀ organization and understanding how to use diagrams to oneā€™s advantage are great study skills for allĀ learners.… Continue reading
