Why Do Homework and Learning Matter?

One of the biggest challenges we face is finding ways to get students to do their homework and hand in their assignments. In order to tackle this complex issue, let’s study the fundamentals of what learning is and why it’s important.   American author, Brian Herbert, once said, “The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn… Continue reading


“A child needs a place like Novastar”

“In modernity where parents are extremely busy and distracted with livelihood, the intellectual and emotional development of a child needs a place like Novastar. Novastar focuses on development from several dimensions that allows the talent and the passion in the child emerge. This is vital for children living in these busy and complex times.” Hamed,… Continue reading


Understanding the Different Learning Styles

According to Robert Sternberg, Professor of Psychology and Education at Yale University, ignoring students’ learning styles fails teachers and learners. Novastar Prep agrees! By understanding learning styles, education can become effective and productive. Teachers can provide a variety of activities that match different learning styles. This allows a greater number of students to showcase their intellectual… Continue reading


Pain-Free, Tear-Free Homework Tips!

When kids think of homework, they think of boring assignments and drudgery. But homework doesn’ have to be boring at all! In fact, it can be a very fun experience. Every parent in America seems to have a hard time now and then getting children to do homework: their child is tired after a long day at school… Continue reading


How to Spot a Successful Student

What does a successful student look like? What are their habits and practices? Let’s identify a few notable qualities that you can cultivate in your own child! 1. Successful students care about being in school and engaged in class. They miss class only in the event of an emergency, and know how to contact a few reliable classmates should they… Continue reading


How the Unorganized Become Organized

The first obstacle you face when your student does not have innate organizational skills is that helping your student become organized will take some time. The second is that finding a method that works may involve a lot of trial and error. Developing organizational skills takes time, effort, and cooperation to become habits. The goal is to develop skills that your student… Continue reading


Study Tips for Auditory Learners

Who are Auditory Learners? Auditory learners learn best through hearing information. They tend to remember things that have been said to them better than information presented in charts, diagrams, and in print. Note: While the ideas below are geared towards the strengths of auditory learners, this information can be beneficial for all learners.   Study Strategies for… Continue reading


How to Change the Way We Teach Writing

Walking through the mall, huddled around their lockers, even sitting on the couch, students are glued to their cellphones. Whether they are minimizing their thoughts into 140 characters or less on Twitter, or actively engaged in a group text message, young people flex their writing muscles consistently throughout the day.   Next time you see your son… Continue reading


Basic Problems with Basic Math

Let’s start with the basics. For some students, math isn’t easy. I teach physics and see  a lot of math phobia and anxiety. I have also found a common theme: most of the students I teach learn math a different way than how they have been taught. At some point, they throw up their hands, put up their virtual “I just… Continue reading


Adaptions for Students with ADD/ADHD

Schoolwork can become a much-dreaded task when each assignment takes twice as long as it should to complete. Due to constant distractions, children who suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorder (ADD/ADHD) frequently find themselves spending much more time on schoolwork than their peers. This extra effort often agitates students and demotivates them from attempting… Continue reading
